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Crucifix — Why Displaying It in Your Home Matters

The crucifix is one of the most recognizable images in the world and for many it evokes a range of emotions. The crucifix is a powerful image. Unlike a simple cross, the wall crucifix features the figure of Christ being crucified. This raw, visual reminder of how much Jesus suffered can be difficult to look at. Yet, as sorrowful as this image is, it’s also a beautiful, triumphant image.

It reminds us that Jesus’ suffering was for our benefit—our sins will be forgiven and we will gain everlasting life; after our death, we’ll experience no more pain, suffering, sadness, or anything bad.

How many times have you said:

“I promise I’ll pray every day and thank Jesus for his suffering!”

Like the rest of us, probably plenty of times. As humans, we’re so busy juggling the demands of our busy lives that we often make promises we can’t keep. Hanging a wall crucifix in your home serves as a visual reminder to stop, pray, and reflect. Looking at a crucifix is like splashing cold water on your face. It’s meant to remind you to wake up and truly remember what Jesus did for you.

The crucifix also plays a supportive role in our lives. In this life we will all suffer tough times—no one is immune to life throwing a few rough patches or the proverbial “bump (or bumps) in the road.” During our most difficult times, we tend to think we are alone in our suffering. Friends and family offer their “support,” yet no one knows exactly what you’re going through, except Jesus. Who would know better than Jesus what suffering is like? Displaying a crucifix in your home is a soothing reminder that during life’s trials we’re not alone and “someone gets it.” What’s more, the crucifix reminds us that just like Jesus if you persevere through the difficult times, you’ll get through it and ultimately be rewarded. The next time you feel you’re all alone, look at your wall crucifix and know you’re definitely not.